Consulting for Property, Done Properly.
Successful Transactions & Works
Awards & Journey
Philip & Cass
“Very helpful and understanding agent. Went all out trying his best to ensure our boxes were ticked (:. Chris is really full service! He drove us, help us forecast for 5 years to exit and plan our upgrade for our future!”
Mahesh & Nisha
Very comprehensive & sincere, he will change your experience about real estate, investment and home purchase.4 Room @ Archipelago
“Not kidding when we say he is one of the best agents we had the pleasure of working with! He collated every single listing available for us, worked on the search with us and gave us all his financial tools and criteria!”
Mr Tey & Mdm Low
5年专业! 每一步,他都在我们身边 (Translated: 5 years of professional! He has taken care of all our retire portfolio)Our Entire Portfolio
“我们已经和克里斯合作五年了,他卖掉了我的顶层公寓,现在他正在管理我们的出租房产 (Translated: We have worked with Chris for 5 years, he sold our penthouse, found us a new home and managed our rental business!”
Mr Mok
Very systematic & analytical agent, good value provided.4RM HDB at Woodlands! Very good!
Very systematic and often shares various considerations to minimise any possible blind spots, very knowledgeable, on reno, value & tricks for me as a HDB buyer.
Mr Pius
Sold my Geylang factory for a record price to Fragrace Hotel!Sold my Factory at Record!
“Chris has been there for 6 years for me, he sold my factories and all of the work he done for me is at record price and record speed. I recommend him to you.”
Simon & Serene
Trustworthy and dependable, Really good service.Home, investment & retirement
“Chris has been very responsive from day 1 in 2018 when we met. He has kept my needs and priorities ahead at all times. You are in good hands.”